A word from our CEO

Dear Sales Professional,

     Thank you for evaluating WinRep. What you will discover with WinRep is not just a surprisingly useful, one-of-a-kind application for manufacturers’ reps, but an organization that’s also dedicated to your success.

     Yours is an increasingly fast-paced business and it’s challenging to keep pace with clients and principals who often have greater resources than you. We understand the demands and pressures you face. You’re in the business of selling. The last thing you need to deal with are the hassles of managing paper, reconciling reports and resolving discrepancies. And that’s why we’re here…to give you the most effective business management system, designed expressly to support the business of representing products.

     Having been in the software business and working with reps for over twenty years, I long ago realized that the most important product we can offer is excellent service. Although delivering outstanding software and technology is what we do, at the heart of our offering is exceptional service. We’re committed to it. And you can count on it.

     When you speak with anyone at our company, you’re speaking to someone who understands the importance of what you do and who will be responsive to your needs. That’s my promise. And hundreds of sales rep agencies have experienced it firsthand. I invite you to experience it for yourself and look forward to serving you.

Best wishes,   

David W. Metzger   
President & CEO   
WinRep Software